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What Is Marijuana?

Cannabis is a psychoactive drug derived from the cannabis plant (cannabis sativa) which originally came from parts of South and Central Asia. Cannabis is a flowering plant and grows wildly in the temperate and tropical areas of the world. The active ingredient of cannabis is delta-9 tetrahydro-cannabinol, also called THC. Cannabis is used in three main forms: hashish, marijuana, and hash oil. Whereas marijuana is made from the dried leaves and flowers of cannabis and is the least potent, hashish is made from a resin of the plant and hash oil, the most potent, is thick oil derived from hashish.

Marijuana is greenish brown mixture of the dried flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant. Marijuana has over 200 street names such as grass, pot, boom, ganja, etc., among others. Marijuana is a drug that alters the mind and is one of the most widely used illegal drugs in the world.

Marijuana is usually smoked by rolling it into a cigarette joint and smoked through a water pipe or empty cigar casing. Alternately, marijuana can be added to tea or baked along with certain foods. Smoking causes the active ingredient to be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream.

The word marijuana is derived from Mexican Spanish. Marijuana is used as a recreational drug, as medicine, and also in certain religious rites. Though many of the psychoactive drugs are classified depressants, hallucinogens, or stimulants, marijuana exhibits all three properties. However, the effects tend towards hallucinogenic or psychedelic.

The high lipid soluble property of the active ingredients (cannabinoids) of marijuana results in their staying in the body for long periods of time. THC can be detected in the body long after ingesting marijuana and causes the drug's effect on the body. The metabolites of marijuana are excreted though urine and feces over a period of time. For a perceptible effect of the drug on the body, about 10 micrograms of THC per kilogram body weight is required. Whereas blood or saliva tests can be used to detect current intoxication, urine tests show recent usage of the drug.

Marijuana is used for its medicinal properties including control of nausea and vomiting, lowering eye pressure in glaucoma treatment, and as a general pain reliever.

The physical effects of marijuana include reddening of the eyes, dryness of the mouth, increased heart rate and relaxation of the muscles. When used recreationally, marijuana causes a change in perception which varies by person. Alteration in the mood of the user occurs with resulting euphoria. Working memory and concentration are impaired and psychomotor coordination is reduced. Long-term use of the drug is known to alter the working of the brain, increase risk of respiratory system problems including cancer, trigger emotional problems such as depression, worsen pre-existing mental conditions and personality disorders and cause severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia.

Persistent marijuana abuse may lead to addiction for some individuals. The cravings of the body for the drug and the withdrawal symptoms that occur make it difficult for the marijuana users to stop taking the drug. However, symptoms of marijuana withdrawal are known to subside a little after one or two weeks after a person stops taking the drug.

There is no medication that is available to treat marijuana addiction. Most addicts require behavioral counseling to get rid of the problem.

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